The Art of Cosmetic Surgery
Dr. Rizzuto offers top of the line plastic and reconstructive surgery. Below are some of the procedures he has an expertise in. Call or stop in for a consultation.
Understanding Orbit Surgery
Orbit refers to the bones of the eye-socket(the cavity in the skull that holds the eyeball) and the surrounding structures. Oculoplasty is a surgical procedure for patients with eye orbit problems.
Enucleation and Evisceration
Loss Of An Eye
Enucleation is the surgical removal of the entire eye. Evisceration is the surgical removal of the contents of the eye, leaving the sclera(white part of the eye) and the eye muscles intact. Having these ocular surgeries performed are due to tumors in the eye, eyes with severe trauma, and painful or blind eyes.
Sebaceous Cell Carcinoma
Periocular Skin Cancer
A rare, highly malignant, and potentially lethal tumor of the skin, which most commonly occurs in the eyelid. Treatment is most commonly surgery to remove the cancerous cells.
Thyroid Eye Disease
Red, Swollen, Bulging Eyes
Thyroid Eye Disease is a condition when the eye muscles, eyelids, tear glands, and the tissue behind the eyes become inflamed. This causes the swollen and red look to the eyes and can be irritating and uncomfortable as the eyes are pushed forward. Treatments for this condition include lubricating eye drops, cold compresses applied to the eyes and in more serious cases medications or eyelid or orbital surgery.