Eyelids That Turn In
Entropion is an inward turning of the eyelid toward the eyeball, resulting in irritation of the eye by the eyelashes. The procedure to fix Entropion involves an incision to be made on the outside of the eyelid, then tightening of the skin/muscle. A graft or a small piece of tissue is then surgically placed on the eyelid and in result, causes a reposition of the eyelid and stops the pull and irritation the patients feel.

Eyelids That Turn Out

Ectropion is a condition where the eyelid turns outward, which leaves the inner eyelid exposed and easily irritated. The procedure to fix Ectropion involves tightening of the tendons that would normally be holding the eyelid into the correct position and placing a skin graft or tissue on the lid to reposition it.